Monday, April 28, 2008

Go for Ubuntu 8.04 instead of using Pirated Windows (personal recommendation)

I have been using Personal computer for more than 10 years now. Until now, I was using windows 98 se and windows XP as my operating system (OS). Windows is very user friendly and has a wide network of applications running on it but when it comes to use of internet I personaly feel WINDOWS SUCKS! As soon as you try to connect to the internet there are millions of viruses waiting to infect your PC and urge you to use anti-virus protection. We are therefore forced to install them and this action slows down your PC. Still it doesn't always gives you totla protection. Sometimes we try to access some restricted sites like (, and many more). At such sites there are always trojans waiting to infect your PC. All anti-virus protections cannot detect them. So, its not advisable to rely on them. Add more to has stopped giving updates to the pirated version.

Most of the softwares that we use on windows including MS office, Nero, and other daily applications are paid softwares. They are not for free and they too stop giving updates if your windows is not genuine.
All this and many more disadvantages makes Pirated windows very dangerous for use.

Now, some good news for all users.....LINUX has come a long way with its latest and most user friendly Avtar i.e. Ubuntu 8.04 popularly known as Hardy Heron.

Ubuntu gives you an advantage over windows as it is free to use, free to share.
You can distribute as much as you like, there is no restriction. Ubuntu is way quicker than windows (I personally feel its 80-100% faster). Its free from viruses. Till date only a handful of viruses have been created for Linux (around 60)...but you don't have to worry because Ubuntu comes pre-installed with anti-virus protection. You will never have to worry about running anti-virus for cleaning viruses. Ubuntu 8.04 uses firefox 3 beta 5 for internet access. Its by far the fastest and most reliable internet browser available for Linux. Also, firefox comes with a host of Add-ons which make internet browsing and downloading fun. You can add download-them-all! as add-on which is a download accelerator for firefox. There are abundant softwares available which act as substitute for windows applications.
In short, there is everything available on linux for free that you pay for on windows!